New Officers
Allen Gabriel Fetalvo – President
Andrei Marc Calma – Vice President
Marc Jhonell Forneste – Secretary
Willnico Green – Treasurer
Organizational Realignment and Elections – As a reviving organization, the current members met with its founder, adviser, and an alumnus to ask for guidance regarding the plans for the academic year 2023 -2024. The organization also conducted an election to formalize the officers for the academic year 2023 -2024.
Budget Turnover Freshie Welcome Assembly Duties – The organization accomplished their duties in the freshie welcome assembly by presenting the organization’s ideals to the BS Geology Freshmen.
Blockhandling Duties – The organization accomplished its duties in the Blockhandling 2023 event by attending meetings with other organizations in NIGS and by serving in the technical and publicity committee formed by the COOL.