Applicants Batch 23A Apps’ Night
Regarded as the highly anticipated event of the application process, the Apps’ Night is tasked solely to the organization’s applicants where they are required to plan, ideate, and execute an interactive and joyous event for the organization. On January 19, 2024, the Batch 23A Geol’s Generation successfully conducted their event where they exhibited their talents, creativity, and collaboration skills – all of which being vital traits in working as a member of the organization.

Batch 23A’s Apps Night Attendees
Marikina River Cleanup
Starting the year with an environmental event, UP GeMS, with its members and applicants, joined the Marikina River Cleanup on January 20, 2024.

UP GeMS participating in the Marikina River Cleanup on January 20, 2024
SKB 2024
After three long years of hiatus, Sasablay Ka Ba – a quiz show about everything under the sun – made its long-awaited comeback to titillate the curious knowledge and minds of the participants and members alike. Held on February 8, 2024, it was joined by students of UP Diliman, including those from different institutes and colleges. The sought cash prizes were awarded to the top 3 pairs of the contest.

SKB 2024 Awarding of Winners
Applicant Batch 23A's Final Rites and Induction
A crucial part of the application process is the Final Rites. On February 18, 2024, a total of 12 applicants from Batch 23A Geol’s Generation were inducted as new resident members of the organization.

The newly inducted resident members from Batch 23A: Geol’s Generation
Batch 23B's Applicants' Orientation
Following the induction of the Applicants Batch 23A, UP GeMS once again opened its application process for interested geology students of the university through an Applicants’ Orientation on March 20, 2024.

Batch 23B Applicants’ Orientation Facebook post’s photo.
UP GeMS 49th Anniversary Dinner and Exhibit
UP GeMS has certainly been through a lot in the past decades. As one generation of members goes, another one comes, but despite the temporal separation between the batches, the organization continues to maintain a strong bond among its constituents. To celebrate its 49 anniversary, on March 9, 2024, alumni and members attended dinner together – to celebrate, to share a laugh, and to spark inspiration to one another.

49th Anniversary Dinner on March 9, 2024
Akyat 2024
The Forest Rangers of Mt. Balagbag are no strangers to UP GeMS. For years, there has been constant communication between them and the organization. On March 17 this year, UP GeMS physically went to Mt. Balagbag – to hike and participate in a tree-nurturing activity on the mountain. Akyat also provides an avenue for the organization to extend our donation to the protectors of our forest and their selfless commitment to protecting the environment.

UP GeMS’ resident members Akyat’s participants
Applicants' Batch 23B Meet the Apps
UP GeMS welcomed the new official batch of applicants for the second semester of AY 2023-2024 at the Meet the Apps event on March 20, 2024.

UP GeMS Meet the Apps on March 20, 2024