Since 1975, UP GeMS is a duly-recognized academic organization in the University of the Philippines Diliman that advocates for academic excellence in the field of Geology and aims to inspire students to promote the protection of the environment. UP GeMS' goals are to promote the appreciation of earth sciences and advance the knowledge of the society to foster a new generation of environmental leaders.
For its 48th Anniversary last February 2023, UP GeMS recollected the history of the organization since its establishment. The month-long celebration was launched as Peted: Sands of Time which revolves around the antiquities of the organization to showcase how they evolved throughout the years. UP GeMS continues to uphold its identity and purpose which are geared toward scholastic excellence and environmental protection. It made an epic comeback with their much anticipated face-to-face activities through the following initiatives: Anniversary Dinner and Exhibit Launch (March 11) - a formal event attended by the resident members and alumni to celebrate their memories with the organization; Marikina River Clean-Up (March 18) - a day to celebrate its environmental advocacy together with La Liga Mariquina; and Orogenesis: Geology Summit 2023 (April 1-2) - a webinar and contests for high school students to serve its purpose of bringing the geology industry to the people. UP GeMS also launched Mélange: The Application Process and welcomed 23 new applicants from various year levels which will include fun-filled face-to-face activities for the whole semester.

48th Anniversary Dinner with UP GeMS Resident Members and Alumni last March 11, 2023

UP GeMS together with La Liga Mariquina and Marikina Locals before the River Clean up last March 18, 2023