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  • UP Geological Society

UP Geological Society

10th National Geology Congress

The UP Geological Society (UP GeoSoc) ended the second semester with the successful conduction of two of its biggest events, one of which made its long-awaited comeback after three years.

Last April to June 2023, the organization held the 10th installment of its annual flagship event, the National Geology Congress (NGC), with the goal of continuing its mission of bringing geosciences closer to the people. The flagship event was divided into four subevents namely, the Earth Science Teachers’ Webinar (ESTW), the High School Students’ Webinar (HSW), the Geology Students’ Forum (GSF), and an infographics contest. All subevents were held virtually and were all free of charge.

Pubmat from UP Geological Society’s Facebook Page.

Kicking off the series of webinars was the ESTW with the goal of equipping educators with tools and skills that can help them effectively teach earth science to high school students. The event was held last April 15 with more than 200 participants across the country.

The next subevent was the HSW with the aim of introducing to high school students some of the career paths they can pursue with a geoscience degree. Students were introduced to spatial data science, mineral exploration as well as paleontology and museology. The subevent was held last April 22 with more than 200 registrants.

Ending the series of webinars was the GSF which was held last April 29. The subevent provided a platform for discussion among students and professionals about current updates on sustainable energy advancements in the country.

An infographics contest was also held with the goal of promoting geoscience communication among high school students. More than 50 entries were submitted by students coming from various schools. The top three winners were announced last June 15 and were given corresponding cash prizes.

Make the Luv-A Flow

Apart from the NGC, UP GeoSoc also successfully relaunched one of its income-generating projects, the Make the Luv-A Flow, last May 9 to 12 at the National Institute of Geological Sciences lobby. Luv-A aims to provide an opportunity for small-scale shops to sell their products and services to students within and beyond the institute. Among the products sold were desserts, stickers, and charm accessories.

Make the Luv-A Flow booth and merchandise at the NIGS lobby. Photos by Audric Gardoña.

UP GeoSoc would like to extend its warmest gratitude to all of the sponsors, partner organizations, and participants who made NGC and Luv-A a success. As we transition back to a fully face-to-face setup, the organization strives to continue fulfilling its mission to its members and to the people.

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