Cwm Zena’na Scholarship Program
The Cwm Zena’na Scholarship Program (CZSP) is a program designed to support female geology students to achieve their education and ultimately, their career goals. The program, which was established on March 08, 2021, during International Women's Day and in commemoration of the organization's 40th anniversary, embodies the vision of the organization to support women in the field of geology to succeed in the pursuit of their chosen careers. For the academic year 2023-2024, applications for the CZSP will reopen from July to August 2023. The program offers new opportunities to fund all academic and living expenses for successful scholars.

Currently, the program has two scholars in their fourth year, and they will be welcoming one new scholar in the upcoming first semester. The application is open to all female students enrolled in the BS - Geology program at UP NIGS who will be entering their third year. If you are interested and you meet the eligibility criteria, stay tuned for our official Facebook announcement in July or visit our website: for the application documents. Feel free to reach out to us via email at or message us on Facebook at if you have any inquiries.
UPCZ Board Review 2023
As part of UPCZ's goals to enhance a harmonious relationship among Geology students and professionals, they offer Board Review sessions in preparation for the 2023 Geology Licensure Examination scheduled on November 13-15, 2023. This Board Review accepts participants not only from UP-NIGS, but also from other institutions offering a BS Geology program such as Partido State University, Adamson University, Mapua University, Negros Oriental State University, and the University of Southern Philippines.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the previous Board Reviews have been held exclusively online through Zoom. This year, along with the online Zoom lectures, several lecture and laboratory classes will be on-site at UP NIGS, to better prepare the aspiring geologists for the examination.
Registration for the UPCZ Board Review is now officially closed and the Orientation will be held on July 02, 2023, to mark the official start of the Board Review and will last until September of 2023.
For more details, you may visit the UPCZ Board Review official Facebook page at or email us at
DIWA Partnership
UP Cwm Zena'na embarked on a new partnership with the Diliman Women's Alliance (DiWA) this current academic year. This is an initiative concocted during the refounding of the alliance. Its primary purpose is to make it a physical embodiment of one of the core objectives of the organization which is to uplift the status and protect the rights of female geology majors and professionals.

The alliance is made up of progressive women's organizations, formations, and institutions inside UP Diliman. This collective movement is created as an avenue to highlight women's contributions to society and amplify calls for a systemic change that leads to an inclusive world that honors all genders and equality.
The organization lent its signatory in various unity statements for this year's International Women's Month and the previously held search for the next UP Diliman Chancellor. Cwm Zena'na aspires to contribute to a much wider range of progressive activities spearheaded by the alliance in the next months to come.