Last January, UP CWM ZENA'NA (UPCZ) celebrated its 43rd Founding Anniversary as the first and only all-female organization at the National Institute of Geological Sciences. UPCZ remains steadfast in its pursuit of uplifting and protecting the rights of female geology students and professionals. The 43rd-anniversary celebration included the following events: NIGS Karaoke (January 13) - a collective open-mic karaoke that serves as a semester-ender; Anniversary dinner and exhibit (January 21) – a formal get-together with the members, applicants, and alumni to commemorate the 43rd anniversary, and an Outreach program (January 23) for the children in Baseco Port, Manila in partnership with Youth for Better Baseco, Bayan ni Juan Movement PH, NIGS Library, College of Science Library, and GeoInnovative Specialists Inc.

Left: UPCZ’s 43rd Anniversary Dinner held last January 21, 2023. Right: Anniversary Outreach Program for the children in Baseco, Manila Port Area.
UPCZ continues to grow as it welcomed thirteen (13) new members adding to a total of 24 residents across year levels. As part of the 2022 Cwm Zena’na Board Review, the organization also donated two (2) new projectors to NIGS to assist in the transition to face-to-face classes.
In celebration of Women’s month, an online campaign was launched last March 8 while members joined the Women’s Day protest at Palma Hall to amplify the call to #EmbraceEquity, fight against systematic prejudices towards women scientists, and extend empowerment, and support for women worldwide. A self-photoshoot booth was also set up to celebrate women’s month and promote the upcoming Women’s Month Talk Series. The talk series is a two-part seminar with the first leg successfully held last March 24, with the theme “Peneplains: Women Changing Landscapes”. It is a hybrid seminar focused on promoting women empowerment in geosciences. The second part is a talk and discussion forum centered on women empowerment, gender equality, and inclusivity in the workplace to be held on March 31 with the theme “Antifragile: Daring to Take Up Space, Claiming our Place”. In addition, UPCZ is also proud to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Cwm Zena’na Scholarship Program with two current scholars and one successful scholar who graduated last year. Further updates about the scholarship program and organization activities can be found on the Cwm Zena’na Facebook page and website.

UPCZ Women’s Month Initiatives