Six graduate students of NIGS participated in the 2023 Sakura Science Exchange Program in Japan administered by the Japan Science and Technology through the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) on 12–18 February 2023. The five-day program consists of activities that include lectures from various JAMSTEC resource personnel, a tour of the JAMSTEC headquarters and its facilities in Yokohama and Yokosuka, an introduction and tour of the Earth Simulator at Yokohama Institute of Earth Sciences, a visit to the Miraikan Museum in Tokyo, and a visit to laboratories and the core repository of the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research on the island of Shikoku. The participants also conducted a short geological fieldwork along the shores of Konan and were able to observe Cretaceous accretionary complex outcrops such as mélanges and turbidites.

NIGS graduate students with JAMSTEC researchers during a short field trip in Konan
The NIGS graduate students were accompanied by JAMSTEC researcher and former NIGS professor Dr. Maria Luisa Tejada.